





Aug ‘22-May ‘23
Lead UI/UX Designer
Adam Forest, Jimmy Varos, Devin Cox, Jay Greenblatt, Stephanie Su
Skills & Tools
User Research, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Figma


Many investment platforms are inaccessible to Gen-Z investors due to high minimum investment requirements, lack of guidance, and confusing jargon. Furthermore, Gen-Z startup founders often struggle to raise capital. Their youth and limited professional experience often undermine their ability to network and establish trust with investors.

The Launchparty mission is twofold:

For the Investor... We are building a platform to educate Gen-Z and lower barriers to becoming an investor.

For the Founder... We are connect founders to investors in their community, helping them raise capital and build hype.

My Role

As the lead UI/UX designer for this project, I worked closely with founding team to design the platform from ground up.

Project Highlights:

Be a part of the community

View up-and-coming start-ups and sort by school, industry, and status. Meet your favorite founders at upcoming events.

Investing made easy

Each start-up has it’s own personalized hub. Here, you can find all their important documents, updates, and discussions. All the information, you need, all in one place.

Financial literacy made fun

Interactive lessons transform complex financial concepts into engaging, hands-on experiences.


  • Lack of Exposure and Funding Opportunities: Traditional investors and VC firms are hesitant to commit funds to Gen-Z founders, who are limited in professional experience and connections. To raise money, Gen-Z founders need a new way to gain exposure and reach potential investors.
  • Confusing Platforms: Many existing crowdfunding platforms have outdated user interfaces, making it difficult for startups to organize and present information.
  • Lack of Educational Materials for Gen-Z: There are few financial literacy educational resources tailored to the unique needs and interests of Gen-Z. Many existing resources are hidden behind paywalls, full of confusing jargon, or are taught through lectures that are too long to hold Gen-Z's attention.

How can we design a platform that helps investors learn, while helping founders raise?


  • Streamline Investment Education: Gen-Z users are tired of boring lectures and irrelevant articles. Let's reach them in a form-factor that they already know and love. Through concise "TikTok" style video lessons and fun "Duolingo" style quizzes and gamification, we will teach Financial Literacy, without the boring parts.
  • An All-in-One Hub for Investing: We want to create a place where startups can interact with the public, find mentors, gain exposure, and engage community events. Furthermore, investors will be able to learn, invest, and engage
  • Consistent Brand Identity: Design and implement a consistent brand identity across all user interfaces, merchandise, and marketing, fostering trust, recognition, and a seamless experience across all brand interactions


    User Research

    To better understand pre-seed stage trends and investor behavior among Gen-Z of various asset classes, we conducted a survey of 340+ Gen-Z students, alumni, and startup founders. The survey included questions regarding demographic, investing habits, and opinions on investing. The results for two of the questions are shown.

    We then defined the following archetypes and mapped their respective motivations, needs, and challenges.

    Design Process

    Design Sprints

    During weekly meetings, we conducted design sprints, synthesizing ideas from the CEO, CTO, Developers, and Designers.

    User Flows

    Further developing our ideas, we created User Flows, outlining various user journeys.


    Then, we sketched simple user flows to quickly visualize ideas.

    Concept Testing

    We went through over 100 total iterations, making incremental changes to improve user experience and address painpoints.

    User Testing

    After developing our concepts into prototypes, we interviewed Gen-Z founders and investors over Zoom, assessing their pain-points and interactions.

    Final Designs

    Here are the final designs for the Launchparty app, made responsive for all devices.

    Being the only designer on the team for months, I found myself taking on a multitude of tasks “outside my job description”. This included designing merchandise, social media graphics, pitch decks, email newsletters, and more. This experience not only helped me diversify my skillset, but got me accustomed to the reality of building a start-up: on a small team, you will be forced to wear many hats and learn on the go.


    Working with Launchparty was my first "real" project with a "real" company. At first, it was a huge learning curve, having to account for quick deadlines, developmental feasibility, and the volatile nature of investing trends and regulations. Furthermore, this entire project was done virtually (due to COVID). Finding Zoom meeting times with teammates across the globe was an unforeseen challenge, and a constant reminder to brush up on my Time Zone calculation skills.

    Through user interviews and feedback, I learned to shed my own ego. I was confronted with the realization that my design will not be perfect on the first try, or the second, or third, or the hundredth. There will always be improvements to be made, and every single person's viewpoint is important in understanding how a design is understood and digested by others. Although I was frustrated at first by this "never-ending" cycle, over time, I began to appreciate it as a perpetual journey towards perfection, with unlimited attempts and no "correct" answer. This philosophy has pushed me to become a more persevering and diligent designer (and person).

    I'd like to extend a huge thank you to my incredible team: Adam, Jimmy, Jay, Devin, Kevin, Stephanie, and the entire Launchparty Family <3

    Next Case Study

    Parents are Human

    Berkeley, CA